Sunday, January 17, 2010

you me oui

First and foremost, i am sooo excited for you and your wheel throwing class!!! It sounds amazing... as for my present i really think this is what i would like you to make me! :) hope your teacher doesn't mind... no, but really, i would love anything!! a nice bowl or vase or something for my apartment would be lovely! make it funky! :) 

 (P.S. i am listening to french rap right now and its soo freaking cool!) 

SOooo.. i dont even know where to begin... i have been crazy busy... not even a moment to sit down and relax, and when i do all i want to do is lay there and watch grey's anatomy... so blogging is just not my main priority... yet it has been on my to-do list everyday... funny how that works...

SOO... I got back from Versailles and met my host mom... she is amazingggg... she speaks english, which is a blessing and a curse... being a beginner in french it is uber frustrating sitting there and understanding bits and pieces, so its been really nice speaking in english with her... its helped me to get to know her... at dinner we have deep interesting conversation, and other people on my program dont get that as much since they cant communicate very well with their french-only speaking parents... but at the same time, everyone else is learning much faster, because they can ONLY communicate in french... so like i said, blessing and a curse...

My room is great... its not big, but its PERFECT! i have a big bed, a great desk, a book shelf, and a great armoire that was painted by her parents... they were both artists and met at an art school, cool right?!?! 
anyway, my room is like my safe-haven.. i LOVE it... i'll take pictures soon and post them! 

i have had french lessons and orientation meetings and field trips all week with... its cool, i am the shortest commute to school, i just hop on a bus and take it 6 stops down the road and im there... some people have like 40 min commutes with train connections and stuff... so i am thankful! 

Friday night was the first night we went out... It was sooo freaking fun! 4 girls, 2 guys, and i met up and went to this great bar... The two guys are from SAN CLEMENTE! and went to SC highschool... how weird is that?!!? 
At the bar we drank, a lot... they have like a section of tables and we were sitting there... it was soo fun though cause groups of french guys were coming over and americans were coming over cause they heard us speaking english...  it was a crazy night... we left the bar when it closed at 2 and went to find another place and as we were walking down this deserted road (now it was just 2 girls, 2 boys, and i) this guy came out of a tiny wine bar and was like COME inside! dont stand in the cold... so we went in... it was the 5 of us, 4 french people, and the bartender... and it was packed... this place was tiny... he was blasting music and we were all dancing and drinking wine... it was amazinggg... 
Then i took a taxi with one of the guys and he dropped me off at my apartment on the way home to his place... and i jumped in bed and PASSSED out! it was a freaking AMAZING night... i loveeeee PARIS! 

yesterday i just went shopping and sat at a cafe for a couple of hours with 2 friends and we just talked and relaxed... 

i wish you were here soooo bad... to go out with, explore with, shop with, sit in a cafe and do nothing-but love it anyway-with.... it would be sooo amazing if you were here! if and when you go abroad, you should do it with a friend... maybe ill come again... :) 

i start class tomorrow, so i will be back on schedule and routine... so i am VERY excited for that... my classes are amazing... two on mon... french at 10 and drawing at 5... two on tues. french at 10 and cinema-television at 4... french only on wed. at 10... and 3 on thurs. french at 10 drawing at 3 and contemporary france (like a history class) at 5... and fridays off... i cant wait... 

i love you.. and i promise i will post more regularly... :) 
