Wednesday, January 13, 2010

J'adore Versailles...

It is really driving me crazy that i can not upload pictures! i am trying to catch up on my other 2 blogs... and i cant! i have a total of 19 posts that i have ready to go... but i cant publish them yet without the pictures! it is--alksdjfakjsdf--so annoying!

Sooo anyway... i will try and add pictures later when i get to my host family's house tonight...  hopefully they have wi-fi!

Yesterday we visited Versailles palace. it was FREAKING amazing! i have been to a ton of castles and palaces, and none have been as extravagant and amazing as this one. It was beyond amazing... the chandeliers alone were enough to swoon over, but then to add the art and the decoration and everything.. it was to die for! (and Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI did....)... i am having a great time with the people on the trip... they are all really fun.. and we put together a really fun travel group of 5 girls... so i am really excited... we are already our planning our first big trip... we have a 10 day winter break in the end of February... so we are going to go to Amsterdam for a few days, then fly to Berlin, then take the train down to Prague, Vienna, Salzburg, Munich, then back to Paris! i am sooooo exciteddd! It willl be a CRAZY trip! i really can not wait!

Today we are going back to Paris and we meet our host family... my parents met mine yesterday.. and they loved them. They said the mom and her boyfriend are very arty and super cool and funky and bohemian. they have a big gold buddha in the living room, my room is super cute and quaint, but i have a big desk and a big bed... so im excited...

Hope all is well.. your class sounds amazing... i will let you know if i have any ideas for you... i mean i thought that statue of the naked man was great... can you throw a penis?!?
