Tuesday, January 19, 2010

oh the weather outside is frightful!

I woke up yesterday at 1 pm!!! (like i said i went out every single night this weekend, thurs-sun). Molly and I went to go get smoothies at this cute little smoothie place called Berrie-Best Smoothies. After a little brunch? we wanted to be productive...what's more productive then shopping?? We made a little pit stop at Target to get some essentials, then we went to Urban Outfitters ...dun dun dun! They are having a HUGE sale right now. You should be extremely proud of me...Molly bought 2 pairs of really cute cropped jeans and a dress for spring/summer and i with held from my burning temptation inside me to buy everything in the store. I felt that  I should have maybe invested in a few pairs of earrings...considering that  I can actually wear them now! haha so weird! It brought me back to the times in NYC when we would go out for an afternoon stroll to Urban and go ballistic. I miss that :(. 
After our Urban run we went to Jo-Ann's and bought yarn for Molly because I told her that I would make her a circle scarf because she couldn't find one at Urban.  To cap the night off I went with 4 of my friends to yoga! It is my new favorite activity to do before bed.

But...I did find these two AWESOME ceramic pieces that I LOVED!! I think I was drawn to them because of the glazes. I am starting to collect a lot of inspiration just from stuff that I find in Boulder! I am still sooo frustrated with my throwing class because I havent really gotten the hang of things yet. I had a project due today at noon and I had one more vessel to finish before today...I went to go work on it yesterday and the studio was locked for the holiday!!! I was sooo mad...so the only thing that I could do was to come in this morning at 7 am! I dont think that I have been up that early since high school. sadly. 

I wish I was home eating a Nutella crepe at La Galette, but I guess I will just have to indulge in a spoonful of Nutella downstairs and wait until spring break.

ps...I never saw the picture that Molly took and I look like a nerd...like always ahaha. but trust me the poncho/shall is really cute in person and it seriously makes every outfit. I love wearing it with my black-studded bag. Navaho meets punk-chic haha