Monday, January 11, 2010

Let Them Eat Cake...

I can NOT upload photos with the internet connection I have, and it's pissing me off!
Anywhooo... I am in Versailles right now for a 3 day orientation. I said goodbye to my parents this morning and met up with my group... it is so sad not having you or a good friend with me... it would make a HUGE difference. There are 2 DG's and a bunch of other girls, and only 2 guys (One like boys, and the other just isn't my taste, so no juicy details there... i'll just keep my eyes on a larger prize, if ya know what i mean)... but it will have to do... I will hopefully make a good connection with a group or someone and have them be my "person (or people)" while I am here. But I haven't assessed the whole group yet, and a lot of people have paired, or grouped, off already... A few people haven't arrived, so maybe there will be someone there for me...

BUTTT Versailles seems cool. I am really tired, and again, no exploring companion, so I haven't yet ventured out to see the sights. We took like a group walk type thing and saw the lay out of the city. Tomorrow we take a tour of the castle itself. It is freaking MONSTROUS!

These past few days have been quite fun... My parents and I went to the most amazinggg flea/antique market... you would DIE! I want you to be here sooo freaking bad! We went to Buddha Bar for dinner, got a little tooo tipsy off champagne ;). Bought the most amazing boots EVER! (Again, really pissed I can't upload pictures. I will definitely show you once I can upload pictures!) And had to say goodbye to them... it was sad, I am REALLY going to miss them! It was soooo fun being in Paris with them, I almost wish they were on my program, cause they are amazing travel buddies!

I am glad you are back and safe at school! I wanna hear all about being back ... and your new classes...
I love you... Gotta go, I have a 30 minute french lesson!

Au Revoir... loveeee,