Saturday, January 9, 2010

Boulder Bound

Today was my last day of work...and let me tell was painful. After a looonggg night I came to work and ended up throwing up 4 times! I came home and slept for 3 hours and had my last dinner at home for a while. I'm not 100% ready to go back. I am slowly realizing how much I love spending time with my family. I think I am just a little bit nervous to go back to school after all of the "friend" issues. I have a feeling that things could get a little awkward. But I will let you know once i get back! The low is 20 degrees. Great. 

Packing has been a nightmare...thanks to you haha. All of your clothes have taken over my suitcase. But I have already put good use to them! 

I can't believe you went shopping! You can never pass up a good sale. 

I am sooo excited for the first day of spring semester because I only have one class: wheel throwing! I can't wait to show you everything that I make!!! Give me ideas!

Can't wait to hear juicy juicy stories!
