Monday, January 11, 2010

the clay on the wheel goes round and round...

Today was my first day of class for the 2010 spring semester! ...weird! I have a feeling that I am going to LOVE Mondays and Wednesdays because the only class that I have is wheel throwing!!!! I get to sleep in an then walk to the BRAND NEW art building for a 3 hour class. The new building is awesome! I don't think that it is fully done because there is still construction equipment still around, but I think they just wanted to get classes started as soon as possible. I am just glad that I don't have to make the 30 minute trek twice a week across campus to the old building. My teacher is soooo amazing! She is extremely intriguing and full of experience and has sooo much passion for clay and what it is capable of creating. I am a little intimidated because I have never really had any experience with ceramics, except for one ceramic assignment that I had to do last year in my foundations class. We never got to use the kiln or glazes, or even mixing our own clay! But, I am excited to use a new medium to express myself as an art form! I have been trying to find different blogs and websites with different ceramic projects so that I can get ideas of what I should make. If you have any ideas let me know! I'll post some of my work as the semester progresses! The weather is clear and sunny, but still cold...the ice hasn't melted off of the sidewalks yet...hopefully i won't have any injury stories! I hope Versailles is amazing...I'm sure it is! Have a madeline cookie for me!
