Friday, January 22, 2010

this picture should be the opposite

When I looked at this picture it kind of expresses how I feel but in a reversed way. I texted you last night because I went out with some of my friends and we made our first stop at the senior Theta's house. It was just a few of the seniors and like 4 of us and then my senior friend Christy's 2 best friends came over. They walked in and the first thing that they said was, "OMG we just met Lauren's (their roomate) new mannnnn!! He is GORGEOUS! He is black with freckles and he plays on the basketball team! His name is..." I'm guessing by now you know who this is. It was a really good wake up call to be standing right there while all of this was happening. And I know...I need to get over it. But, it still upset me.