Wednesday, January 20, 2010 big scarves are in?!

This weekend Molly bought me yarn so that I could crochet a circle-scarf for her! I was so excited to have a project to work on this week. Every free second that I had I would crochet. I am slowly acquiring the nickname "grandma" because I brought my yarn and needle down to chapter meeting ahaha. I was really happy about how it turned out and it is so BIG and warm! A perfect accessory for chilly Boulder! I was happy that she chose cream because it really does go with everything. I have been done with it for a few hours and I just looked at Molly and said, "I need to start a new scarf." I am soooo bored now haha. Girls in the house are starting to ask me if I will make them one so maybe I can start a little buisness haaha, considering I made this scarf in almost less than a day!

miss you,