Wednesday, January 13, 2010

the studio is my gym

Today was my first day at the wheel...the throwing wheel that is. I was sooo intimidated because I think that I was like the only one that had NEVER thrown before. But, I just pretended that I knew what I was doing and just tried to be confident. It was sooo hard at first...water and wet clay were flying everywhere! My clothes were covered in wet clay and my arms could not stop shaking because the clay was sooo uneven!!! I am sure you can was almost as shocking of an experience as our first day at Parson's with our nude model ahaha...great times. 

I didn't realize that throwing was a WORKOUT! I got out of the 3 hour class and I could barely move!!! My thighs, back, and hands were paralyzed with pain!!! My muscles will definitely need to get used to this class or it will be a painful/interesting semester!! There is a hottie in my class, but he is younger (eewww) and he has a cast so he couldn't throw today and he kept coming over to try and talk me through the obviously I wasn't really getting the hang of it (I later found out that I throw left handed, and I was doing it right handed the whole time!)...but I looked like a train wreck. My hair was EVERYWHERE and my hands and arms were COVERED in what looked like you know I was lookin good hahah. 

So...our first assignment is to throw 6, 6" cylinders by Wednesday. I was almost done with my first one, and you know how I am a perfectionist, so it was almost perfect for my first one! I couldn't wait to pull it off and put it on the shelf to dry. Then...the vessel separates from the base!!!!! I was soooo frustrated and soooo upset...I had stayed like 30 min after class was over so I knew that it was a sign to just go home and not think about clay for at least a day! But after today I am really motivated to be good at throwing because I really do enjoy it...even though I have only been complaining haha.

Hopefully I will have something to give you when you get back :)...any requests?
