Friday, January 8, 2010

jet laggg

... and the jet let has finally hit (and it's hit hard). It is 5:55 AM on January 8/9 (night of the 8th, morning of the 9th) and I am wide awake. I have only slept for 6 hours and I had an extremely busy day. We walked through my parents favorite area, shopped (I will come back to this), ate lunch, bought me an international phone for me to have for local calls while I am here (but you can reach me on my normal cell phone from home), grabbed a crepe,  walked some more, ate dinner and came home. I took a long hot bath and got in bed and fell asleep. So even after 14 hours on my feet, I can't get a full night's sleep.. so frustrating... I am going to give it one more effort to sleep... talk to you tomorrow!

(P.S... i know i said no shopping, but we happened to get here during Paris' crazyyyy week of Sales... literally EVERY store is having blow out sales, its freaking amazing... i didnt buy too many things... but i did find a few GREAT pieces...)
