Wednesday, January 13, 2010

extreme jealousy

I cannot tell you how jealous I am!!! I can't wait until we can go to Europe and travel together!!! Save at least some countries for me haha. I am wearing the NEW YORK CITY sweatshirt that you gave me...I really enjoy having your clothes because it reminds me of you every time I put them on.

I can't wait to see pictures of your host family and your rooommm!!! I bet the decorating is so chique!

I just got back from my advisors office and I will be hating my life on Tuesdays and Thursdays...4 classes BACK to BACK!!!! fml. But I just added a contemporary architecture class which I am really excited about! Maybe it will lead to a career in architecture...never know!

Let me just tell you that I laughed out loud when you asked if I could "throw" a penis hahaha.

miss you terribly!
