Tuesday, January 19, 2010

And The World Spins Madly On...

Sexy men! i like the chocolaty one... ;) duh... i bet they are gay though... lameeee... 
And i need to see a picture of said poncho on... im a bit hesitant... im SURE you can pull it off... i would look ridiculous in a poncho... but im excited you love it! show me a picccc... 

So SMU started school today and it made me soo sad... i miss it so much and my friends and everything... its hard thinking they are all there together and im missing everything.. its a very difficult feeling. i have zero control and i just have to submit to it... its a good learning experience... but i dont enjoy feeling this way... blahh... but fuck it! im in PARIS! (Its what i have to tell myself so i dont sink too deep into self-pity)

I had my first DRAWING class today... it was fabulous! there are only 3 other people in it... so its gunnna be amazing... my professor is an art professor at Parsons in Paris! Isnt that cool! He is italian and amazing! he is really cool and relaxed and LOVES art and teaching people how to be artists... I am really excited... 

Today i spent most of the day researching trips for my friends and i to take... we only have 5 open weekends to travel! isnt that crazy! its like NOTHING! but we are still going to fit it ALL in! i think we are going to amsterdam this weekend... so it will be craziness...! im sooo excited! 

I only have one one hour class tomorrow from 10-11... so i will be going to speak to the artist i want to get an apprenticeship with... i dont think i have told you about this... He is an American artist that has a great show in Paris right now... i am OBSESSED with his artwork... and i am going to see if i can have an internship/ apprenticeship with him while im here... i dont know if it is even possible... i dont even know if he lives here... but when my parents and i went into the gallery his show is at, he was in the room (on the phone) so we didnt talk to him, but the gallery owner told us that it was him... i really hope it works out... it would be an AMAZING experience... 

wish me luck! 
