Saturday, January 30, 2010

pure lazinessss

today i woke up at 11, ate brunch and then did nothing but sit in my pajamas and read all day. it was pretty relaxing, except for the fact that i almost did the exact same thing yesterday. A) i need a life. B). i need a man. 

annie and i have made a pact to find a date for valentine's day. i am sure it will be unsuccessful but you never know.

p.s. i am completely obsessed with this picture. its my background.
can't wait to hear about your weekend! 


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

mud up to my arms...

i had throwing today from 1-4 and i decided to stay a few hours after to get a leg up on our 2nd assignment. as a side note...i have to say that i am getting soooo much better and i am really proud of myself! anywaysssss im elbows deep in wet clay and all of a sudden the fire alarms go off!!!! i knew that it had to be just a drill because the building is so new, but my t.a., who was also working on projects, told me that i needed to leave. it was freeeezzzing outside because it was about to snow! that was the only excitement to my day. oh and sleeping in.


will it ever end?!

sooo...i got a little behind on my reading for my Contemporary Architecture and Modern Art Survey classes. and now i feel like i will never catch up! i have been reading non-stop and i just feel like its never ending!

not only am i stressing about school...but i am starting to plan formal and other small events! i knew that it was going to be challenging, but i am coming across a lot of road blocks that aren't making my life any easier! i cant wait to tell you about all of the fun events that i plan! if you have any good ideas for themes, or even event ideas tellllll meeee!

p.s. we need to skype. 

Monday, January 25, 2010

I AMsterdam...

Well, I am back... It was an amazing, crazy, ridiculous, out-of-control trip... but I had an amazinggg time... I did NOT smoke weed... surprise surprise... NOT... we both knew i wouldn't actually do it... so it shouldn't be news to you that i looked at it and decided no way in hell was i about to smoke it...

I did however party VERY VERY VERY EXTREMELY hard... it was soo crazy... bar hopping and dancing and singing and rendezvousing with the locals... it was a great weekend... Stories of which do NOT belong on the internet, on a public blog... so you will just have to skype me to hear about it...

But we will definitely have to take a trip together to Amsterdam someday... get readddddy...


PS... did NOT make it to the red light district... my grandma called me and told me "C, make sure you do NOT go to that PORNO area... its disgusting... when i went i wanted to leave as fast as i could... the women are in the windows and they dont care if you are 20 or 90... they just want your money... THOSE WHORES!" hahah classic...


I'd rather not have a "Reader" situation on our hands... Justin Bieber is cute and all... and he IS talented...but thats IT... hahah im not gunna lie, i did watch the videos of him on his website... when his song first came out a while ago.. and since Usher endorses him I thought it was super cute.. but really... he is like 10... you can do better... :) 


Sunday, January 24, 2010

i want to be one less lonely girl

JUSTIN BIEBER is my new obsession. He is soooooo cute and I need to date him, well not really because that would be illegal, but I need to meet him. All I have been doing is watching him on youtube. This is the only younger man/boy that I have ever had a crush on.

ummm... A**HOLE much?!?

I am soo sorry love. I know how awful that must have been and as much as you are right and I wanna say you shouldn't be upset, there is no way for you not to be. I am sad you had to go through that... now I will say what I you don't want to hear, but... it was for the BEST... you do NOT need an asshole like that. I think this is good closure for you to just end it and move on... It is what you need at this point. I LOVE YOU! and you will find someone SOOO MUCH freaking better!!!!!!! 


(PS... starting tomorrow i PROMISE i will blog more on here... but now i need sleep... skype date tomorrow correct?!?!)

Friday, January 22, 2010

this picture should be the opposite

When I looked at this picture it kind of expresses how I feel but in a reversed way. I texted you last night because I went out with some of my friends and we made our first stop at the senior Theta's house. It was just a few of the seniors and like 4 of us and then my senior friend Christy's 2 best friends came over. They walked in and the first thing that they said was, "OMG we just met Lauren's (their roomate) new mannnnn!! He is GORGEOUS! He is black with freckles and he plays on the basketball team! His name is..." I'm guessing by now you know who this is. It was a really good wake up call to be standing right there while all of this was happening. And I know...I need to get over it. But, it still upset me. 

Wednesday, January 20, 2010 big scarves are in?!

This weekend Molly bought me yarn so that I could crochet a circle-scarf for her! I was so excited to have a project to work on this week. Every free second that I had I would crochet. I am slowly acquiring the nickname "grandma" because I brought my yarn and needle down to chapter meeting ahaha. I was really happy about how it turned out and it is so BIG and warm! A perfect accessory for chilly Boulder! I was happy that she chose cream because it really does go with everything. I have been done with it for a few hours and I just looked at Molly and said, "I need to start a new scarf." I am soooo bored now haha. Girls in the house are starting to ask me if I will make them one so maybe I can start a little buisness haaha, considering I made this scarf in almost less than a day!

miss you,

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

oh the weather outside is frightful!

I woke up yesterday at 1 pm!!! (like i said i went out every single night this weekend, thurs-sun). Molly and I went to go get smoothies at this cute little smoothie place called Berrie-Best Smoothies. After a little brunch? we wanted to be productive...what's more productive then shopping?? We made a little pit stop at Target to get some essentials, then we went to Urban Outfitters ...dun dun dun! They are having a HUGE sale right now. You should be extremely proud of me...Molly bought 2 pairs of really cute cropped jeans and a dress for spring/summer and i with held from my burning temptation inside me to buy everything in the store. I felt that  I should have maybe invested in a few pairs of earrings...considering that  I can actually wear them now! haha so weird! It brought me back to the times in NYC when we would go out for an afternoon stroll to Urban and go ballistic. I miss that :(. 
After our Urban run we went to Jo-Ann's and bought yarn for Molly because I told her that I would make her a circle scarf because she couldn't find one at Urban.  To cap the night off I went with 4 of my friends to yoga! It is my new favorite activity to do before bed.

But...I did find these two AWESOME ceramic pieces that I LOVED!! I think I was drawn to them because of the glazes. I am starting to collect a lot of inspiration just from stuff that I find in Boulder! I am still sooo frustrated with my throwing class because I havent really gotten the hang of things yet. I had a project due today at noon and I had one more vessel to finish before today...I went to go work on it yesterday and the studio was locked for the holiday!!! I was sooo the only thing that I could do was to come in this morning at 7 am! I dont think that I have been up that early since high school. sadly. 

I wish I was home eating a Nutella crepe at La Galette, but I guess I will just have to indulge in a spoonful of Nutella downstairs and wait until spring break.

ps...I never saw the picture that Molly took and I look like a always ahaha. but trust me the poncho/shall is really cute in person and it seriously makes every outfit. I love wearing it with my black-studded bag. Navaho meets punk-chic haha 

There's No Place Like Home...

Okay, so i know i just titled my last blog entry on my So Give Me Your Forever blog "There's No Place Like Home"... but it fits perfectly... a tornado in Southern California... and how ironic, i titled my last post on here and the world spins madly on.... in California it LITERALLY spins madly on... I am sooo sad i am missing the storm... i LOVE storms and thunder and lightning... and a freaking TORNADO!!!!!!!! wish we were there... Thought of you, since HELLO, its OUR homeland!!!! 


BTW.... I LOVE the Poncho... you wear it well my dear... you make me so proud!... tell whoever texted me THANK YOU! i would have texted them back... but its soo expensive, so i will pass... I love you!

And The World Spins Madly On...

Sexy men! i like the chocolaty one... ;) duh... i bet they are gay though... lameeee... 
And i need to see a picture of said poncho on... im a bit hesitant... im SURE you can pull it off... i would look ridiculous in a poncho... but im excited you love it! show me a picccc... 

So SMU started school today and it made me soo sad... i miss it so much and my friends and everything... its hard thinking they are all there together and im missing everything.. its a very difficult feeling. i have zero control and i just have to submit to it... its a good learning experience... but i dont enjoy feeling this way... blahh... but fuck it! im in PARIS! (Its what i have to tell myself so i dont sink too deep into self-pity)

I had my first DRAWING class today... it was fabulous! there are only 3 other people in it... so its gunnna be amazing... my professor is an art professor at Parsons in Paris! Isnt that cool! He is italian and amazing! he is really cool and relaxed and LOVES art and teaching people how to be artists... I am really excited... 

Today i spent most of the day researching trips for my friends and i to take... we only have 5 open weekends to travel! isnt that crazy! its like NOTHING! but we are still going to fit it ALL in! i think we are going to amsterdam this weekend... so it will be craziness...! im sooo excited! 

I only have one one hour class tomorrow from 10-11... so i will be going to speak to the artist i want to get an apprenticeship with... i dont think i have told you about this... He is an American artist that has a great show in Paris right now... i am OBSESSED with his artwork... and i am going to see if i can have an internship/ apprenticeship with him while im here... i dont know if it is even possible... i dont even know if he lives here... but when my parents and i went into the gallery his show is at, he was in the room (on the phone) so we didnt talk to him, but the gallery owner told us that it was him... i really hope it works out... it would be an AMAZING experience... 

wish me luck! 


Crepe Eaters Anonymous...

Its becoming a bit of a problem...  I alotted myself ONE nutella crepe a week... well that didnt even last 2 days... I am addicted... and i cant stop! I have a bit of a crush on the crepe man... he lived in NYC for a while... hahah, (not really though, he is kinda creepy and gross... ) But i will be better from now on... i really need to practice self-control... i did join a gym today, and i am SOOOo excited for it! my friend Jordan and i joined it and we are going to go to dance classes together... and they have yoga everyday! im sooo excited!!! :)


Monday, January 18, 2010

man of my dreams...

don't get too excited...I proposed that I was going to meet the man of my dreams on Friday night. The night didn't really go down as I planned ahaha. I thought that if I were to set an intention for the night things might go the way that  I wanted for once. not really the case. I did have fun this weekend though. I went out Thursday, Friday, Saturday, AND Sunday!!! I don't think that I have ever gone out that many nights in a row. I was only "not myself" on Saturday, which I thought was very responsible hahah.

I just bought this poncho and I am obsessed with it! I wear it with everything!!! Some people say that I look like an Alpaca but I guess I am just accepting that as a compliment haha. 

And I just read your post about Dr. Marten's and I REALLLYY want a pair! Funny my mom came out for parents weekend last year and she was wearing white dr. martens and I was like WHAT ARE THOSE??? of course she wasn't wearing them correctly or with the right outfit...but i might just have to jack them the next time I'm home haha.


Sunday, January 17, 2010


i dont like the picture as the blogs main picture... but i cant find any good recent pictures of us... and all the ones from new york make us look soo young... soo i dont know what to do... you can change it back to the typewriter if you would like... i dont have that picture, so i cant... but if you like it like this, or have a better idea, please go for it! 

Our Blog...

So i changed the layout to livin' it up a little bit... and we can change it again... i like the typewriter picture... but i think we can find a cuter one... and so for now i just put one of us.... make any changes you'd like... 



out of all our pictures, i dont know why i chose this one... but i still love it... i was looking through my library, and just wanted to say.. We have had some AMAZING times! i miss you and love yoU! and think you need to come to Paris and visit me!


you me oui

First and foremost, i am sooo excited for you and your wheel throwing class!!! It sounds amazing... as for my present i really think this is what i would like you to make me! :) hope your teacher doesn't mind... no, but really, i would love anything!! a nice bowl or vase or something for my apartment would be lovely! make it funky! :) 

 (P.S. i am listening to french rap right now and its soo freaking cool!) 

SOooo.. i dont even know where to begin... i have been crazy busy... not even a moment to sit down and relax, and when i do all i want to do is lay there and watch grey's anatomy... so blogging is just not my main priority... yet it has been on my to-do list everyday... funny how that works...

SOO... I got back from Versailles and met my host mom... she is amazingggg... she speaks english, which is a blessing and a curse... being a beginner in french it is uber frustrating sitting there and understanding bits and pieces, so its been really nice speaking in english with her... its helped me to get to know her... at dinner we have deep interesting conversation, and other people on my program dont get that as much since they cant communicate very well with their french-only speaking parents... but at the same time, everyone else is learning much faster, because they can ONLY communicate in french... so like i said, blessing and a curse...

My room is great... its not big, but its PERFECT! i have a big bed, a great desk, a book shelf, and a great armoire that was painted by her parents... they were both artists and met at an art school, cool right?!?! 
anyway, my room is like my safe-haven.. i LOVE it... i'll take pictures soon and post them! 

i have had french lessons and orientation meetings and field trips all week with... its cool, i am the shortest commute to school, i just hop on a bus and take it 6 stops down the road and im there... some people have like 40 min commutes with train connections and stuff... so i am thankful! 

Friday night was the first night we went out... It was sooo freaking fun! 4 girls, 2 guys, and i met up and went to this great bar... The two guys are from SAN CLEMENTE! and went to SC highschool... how weird is that?!!? 
At the bar we drank, a lot... they have like a section of tables and we were sitting there... it was soo fun though cause groups of french guys were coming over and americans were coming over cause they heard us speaking english...  it was a crazy night... we left the bar when it closed at 2 and went to find another place and as we were walking down this deserted road (now it was just 2 girls, 2 boys, and i) this guy came out of a tiny wine bar and was like COME inside! dont stand in the cold... so we went in... it was the 5 of us, 4 french people, and the bartender... and it was packed... this place was tiny... he was blasting music and we were all dancing and drinking wine... it was amazinggg... 
Then i took a taxi with one of the guys and he dropped me off at my apartment on the way home to his place... and i jumped in bed and PASSSED out! it was a freaking AMAZING night... i loveeeee PARIS! 

yesterday i just went shopping and sat at a cafe for a couple of hours with 2 friends and we just talked and relaxed... 

i wish you were here soooo bad... to go out with, explore with, shop with, sit in a cafe and do nothing-but love it anyway-with.... it would be sooo amazing if you were here! if and when you go abroad, you should do it with a friend... maybe ill come again... :) 

i start class tomorrow, so i will be back on schedule and routine... so i am VERY excited for that... my classes are amazing... two on mon... french at 10 and drawing at 5... two on tues. french at 10 and cinema-television at 4... french only on wed. at 10... and 3 on thurs. french at 10 drawing at 3 and contemporary france (like a history class) at 5... and fridays off... i cant wait... 

i love you.. and i promise i will post more regularly... :) 


Wednesday, January 13, 2010

the studio is my gym

Today was my first day at the wheel...the throwing wheel that is. I was sooo intimidated because I think that I was like the only one that had NEVER thrown before. But, I just pretended that I knew what I was doing and just tried to be confident. It was sooo hard at first...water and wet clay were flying everywhere! My clothes were covered in wet clay and my arms could not stop shaking because the clay was sooo uneven!!! I am sure you can was almost as shocking of an experience as our first day at Parson's with our nude model ahaha...great times. 

I didn't realize that throwing was a WORKOUT! I got out of the 3 hour class and I could barely move!!! My thighs, back, and hands were paralyzed with pain!!! My muscles will definitely need to get used to this class or it will be a painful/interesting semester!! There is a hottie in my class, but he is younger (eewww) and he has a cast so he couldn't throw today and he kept coming over to try and talk me through the obviously I wasn't really getting the hang of it (I later found out that I throw left handed, and I was doing it right handed the whole time!)...but I looked like a train wreck. My hair was EVERYWHERE and my hands and arms were COVERED in what looked like you know I was lookin good hahah. 

So...our first assignment is to throw 6, 6" cylinders by Wednesday. I was almost done with my first one, and you know how I am a perfectionist, so it was almost perfect for my first one! I couldn't wait to pull it off and put it on the shelf to dry. Then...the vessel separates from the base!!!!! I was soooo frustrated and soooo upset...I had stayed like 30 min after class was over so I knew that it was a sign to just go home and not think about clay for at least a day! But after today I am really motivated to be good at throwing because I really do enjoy it...even though I have only been complaining haha.

Hopefully I will have something to give you when you get back :)...any requests?


extreme jealousy

I cannot tell you how jealous I am!!! I can't wait until we can go to Europe and travel together!!! Save at least some countries for me haha. I am wearing the NEW YORK CITY sweatshirt that you gave me...I really enjoy having your clothes because it reminds me of you every time I put them on.

I can't wait to see pictures of your host family and your rooommm!!! I bet the decorating is so chique!

I just got back from my advisors office and I will be hating my life on Tuesdays and Thursdays...4 classes BACK to BACK!!!! fml. But I just added a contemporary architecture class which I am really excited about! Maybe it will lead to a career in architecture...never know!

Let me just tell you that I laughed out loud when you asked if I could "throw" a penis hahaha.

miss you terribly!


J'adore Versailles...

It is really driving me crazy that i can not upload pictures! i am trying to catch up on my other 2 blogs... and i cant! i have a total of 19 posts that i have ready to go... but i cant publish them yet without the pictures! it is--alksdjfakjsdf--so annoying!

Sooo anyway... i will try and add pictures later when i get to my host family's house tonight...  hopefully they have wi-fi!

Yesterday we visited Versailles palace. it was FREAKING amazing! i have been to a ton of castles and palaces, and none have been as extravagant and amazing as this one. It was beyond amazing... the chandeliers alone were enough to swoon over, but then to add the art and the decoration and everything.. it was to die for! (and Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI did....)... i am having a great time with the people on the trip... they are all really fun.. and we put together a really fun travel group of 5 girls... so i am really excited... we are already our planning our first big trip... we have a 10 day winter break in the end of February... so we are going to go to Amsterdam for a few days, then fly to Berlin, then take the train down to Prague, Vienna, Salzburg, Munich, then back to Paris! i am sooooo exciteddd! It willl be a CRAZY trip! i really can not wait!

Today we are going back to Paris and we meet our host family... my parents met mine yesterday.. and they loved them. They said the mom and her boyfriend are very arty and super cool and funky and bohemian. they have a big gold buddha in the living room, my room is super cute and quaint, but i have a big desk and a big bed... so im excited...

Hope all is well.. your class sounds amazing... i will let you know if i have any ideas for you... i mean i thought that statue of the naked man was great... can you throw a penis?!?


Monday, January 11, 2010

the clay on the wheel goes round and round...

Today was my first day of class for the 2010 spring semester! ...weird! I have a feeling that I am going to LOVE Mondays and Wednesdays because the only class that I have is wheel throwing!!!! I get to sleep in an then walk to the BRAND NEW art building for a 3 hour class. The new building is awesome! I don't think that it is fully done because there is still construction equipment still around, but I think they just wanted to get classes started as soon as possible. I am just glad that I don't have to make the 30 minute trek twice a week across campus to the old building. My teacher is soooo amazing! She is extremely intriguing and full of experience and has sooo much passion for clay and what it is capable of creating. I am a little intimidated because I have never really had any experience with ceramics, except for one ceramic assignment that I had to do last year in my foundations class. We never got to use the kiln or glazes, or even mixing our own clay! But, I am excited to use a new medium to express myself as an art form! I have been trying to find different blogs and websites with different ceramic projects so that I can get ideas of what I should make. If you have any ideas let me know! I'll post some of my work as the semester progresses! The weather is clear and sunny, but still cold...the ice hasn't melted off of the sidewalks yet...hopefully i won't have any injury stories! I hope Versailles is amazing...I'm sure it is! Have a madeline cookie for me!



LIFE LESSON LEARNED:::::::::: What is a *Shin*? -- A device for findin furniture in the dark

HAHAHAHAh... so i thought this was hilarious... i read it on someones facebook status and i literally laughed out loud... i love it.. hahahah ... just thought i'd share... 


Let Them Eat Cake...

I can NOT upload photos with the internet connection I have, and it's pissing me off!
Anywhooo... I am in Versailles right now for a 3 day orientation. I said goodbye to my parents this morning and met up with my group... it is so sad not having you or a good friend with me... it would make a HUGE difference. There are 2 DG's and a bunch of other girls, and only 2 guys (One like boys, and the other just isn't my taste, so no juicy details there... i'll just keep my eyes on a larger prize, if ya know what i mean)... but it will have to do... I will hopefully make a good connection with a group or someone and have them be my "person (or people)" while I am here. But I haven't assessed the whole group yet, and a lot of people have paired, or grouped, off already... A few people haven't arrived, so maybe there will be someone there for me...

BUTTT Versailles seems cool. I am really tired, and again, no exploring companion, so I haven't yet ventured out to see the sights. We took like a group walk type thing and saw the lay out of the city. Tomorrow we take a tour of the castle itself. It is freaking MONSTROUS!

These past few days have been quite fun... My parents and I went to the most amazinggg flea/antique market... you would DIE! I want you to be here sooo freaking bad! We went to Buddha Bar for dinner, got a little tooo tipsy off champagne ;). Bought the most amazing boots EVER! (Again, really pissed I can't upload pictures. I will definitely show you once I can upload pictures!) And had to say goodbye to them... it was sad, I am REALLY going to miss them! It was soooo fun being in Paris with them, I almost wish they were on my program, cause they are amazing travel buddies!

I am glad you are back and safe at school! I wanna hear all about being back ... and your new classes...
I love you... Gotta go, I have a 30 minute french lesson!

Au Revoir... loveeee,

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Boulder Bound

Today was my last day of work...and let me tell was painful. After a looonggg night I came to work and ended up throwing up 4 times! I came home and slept for 3 hours and had my last dinner at home for a while. I'm not 100% ready to go back. I am slowly realizing how much I love spending time with my family. I think I am just a little bit nervous to go back to school after all of the "friend" issues. I have a feeling that things could get a little awkward. But I will let you know once i get back! The low is 20 degrees. Great. 

Packing has been a nightmare...thanks to you haha. All of your clothes have taken over my suitcase. But I have already put good use to them! 

I can't believe you went shopping! You can never pass up a good sale. 

I am sooo excited for the first day of spring semester because I only have one class: wheel throwing! I can't wait to show you everything that I make!!! Give me ideas!

Can't wait to hear juicy juicy stories!


Friday, January 8, 2010

jet laggg

... and the jet let has finally hit (and it's hit hard). It is 5:55 AM on January 8/9 (night of the 8th, morning of the 9th) and I am wide awake. I have only slept for 6 hours and I had an extremely busy day. We walked through my parents favorite area, shopped (I will come back to this), ate lunch, bought me an international phone for me to have for local calls while I am here (but you can reach me on my normal cell phone from home), grabbed a crepe,  walked some more, ate dinner and came home. I took a long hot bath and got in bed and fell asleep. So even after 14 hours on my feet, I can't get a full night's sleep.. so frustrating... I am going to give it one more effort to sleep... talk to you tomorrow!

(P.S... i know i said no shopping, but we happened to get here during Paris' crazyyyy week of Sales... literally EVERY store is having blow out sales, its freaking amazing... i didnt buy too many things... but i did find a few GREAT pieces...)


Travel Me Crazy

I am FINALLY in Paris... and boy was it an adventure to get here... My flight, originally scheduled for 3:30 pm, was delayed until 9:15 pm. I sat in the airport for 8 hours, slept for most of it, ate for some of it. Sat on the airplane for 12 hours, slept for 9 of them, ate for 3 of them (it was more of a grazing for 3 hours than straight eating). Got to London-Heathrow airport, my flight to Paris was delayed for 4 hours, I slept in the airport for 3 of those hours. Got on the plane, finally, and slept literally every minute, except for maybe 20 minutes. FINALLY, I arrived in Paris and NONE of my 3 bags made it. They somehow got stuck in London during the 4 hour delay... seriously? So, I got in a taxi, got to the hotel, and walked to dinner around 11:30 pm... It was a delicious dinner... now I am back in my bed and about to sleep for a very longgg time!

After the travel day from hell, although I slept through most of it, I am FINALLY in PARIS, FRANCE!
a few hours down, and 5 months to go... well, i can't freaking wait!


Thursday, January 7, 2010

full day of relaxation

Today was THE most relaxing day that I have had all fact the most relaxing day that I have had in a while. Dray, Emily Wilson and I went to a little kick back last night. We weren't there for long, but we made a convenient stop at In-n-Out on our way back to Dray's...fml. Dray and I slept in until 11:30 and made our way down to Moneek (in between Salt Creek and Monarch)...clever i know! Sipped a few brews and hung out with some friends. After catching some rays during prime tanning hours we went back up to Dray's house and took a NAP! in case i lost you, I'll recap: slept in til 11:30, lax'n at the beach, then NAP... it January?


Wednesday, January 6, 2010

my best friend is leaving me

...for 5 months. What a sad and exciting day tomorrow will be!! I can't go to sleep and all I can think of is how jealous I am that you get to go live in the most amazing city in the world, PARIS! We both know that I am your best traveling buddy, so hopefully you will be ok without me ;). Meet stunning men, enjoy a buttery croissant, and endulge in the fabulous cuisine! All of those journal books that we started worked well until we stopped transferring them from one house to the other...I do still enjoy looking back at sexy Big Red...mmmhmmmhh goood haha.
