Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Spice Up Ya Lifeeee

Tonight Theta had a Sushi and Karaoke sisterhood and this little sushi restaurant near the house! The theme was Spice World and I already told you that I was going to be Sporty Spice. Some girl came up to me and asked me if I was Scary Spice. I said "NO?!, I'm Sporty, why would you think that?" and she said, "because your wearing a jacket that says Ethiopia. I thought you were like trying to be black." hahahahahah. Anyways, I got up with my friend Bita and belted out "C'est La Vie" by Bwitched...classic! We both ate sooo much sushi that we thought we were going to puke because were bouncing up and down the whole time that we were singing.
When we left it was raining and literally within 10 minutes of being home I got completely congested and I just felt really sick, you must have given me something over skype! I need this invention because my nose won't stop running!!!!!

get better love! it was good talking to you today!