Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Slow Jukin'!!!

So, today I had an amazing day. I went to french class, went to an open air market and bought so much! I got strawberries, Portuguese beans (my favorite ever!), sausage, and a falafel... it was all delicious! Then we went to Angelina's, which is an amazing restaurant, across the street from the Tuilleries, that is FAMOUS for it's amazing desserts and liquid-chocolate bar- hot chocolate! It is beyond amazing. Then headed over to the Eiffel Tower, with a few bottles of Rose Chamgpagne in tow, and just laid on the grass and listened to music and hung out... It was amazing. I went with 6 other girls on the program and had the GREATEST time! I wish you were here to experience all this with me!

I am in a really happy positive place in my life. I am loving every second of it!

How are you and life? And being HOME?!?! Get back on your blogging game... NOW... please and thank you.


P.S. I put Slow Jukin' as the title because it just came on on my iTunes and it made me think of you :) love you!