Tuesday, March 30, 2010

...on the KATwalk

today is Theta's philanthropy: KAT WALK! its a fashion show that we put on to raise money for C.A.S.A.! everyone is really excited about it...but it will be super hectic.
i cant stop dreaming about clogs and summer haha.
after having a week off of school i just cant get back into the groove of things...i got so bored in class that i revamped our blog! if you dont like it you can make changes!
i tried to skype with you, but i think you were sleeping.

formal is on friday and i am freaking out! the theme is Theighties Prom...i will be wearing my mom's bridesmaid dress from 1989! oooohhh yaaa! of course i am gunna try and vamp it up with some fabulous jewelry and shoes. my sister thinks that i look like a christmas barbie, which i do, but i am gunna rock it and embrace it! madonna and cindy lauper are my inspiration...