Sunday, March 28, 2010

blue blue blue BLUE...a;l#(*&$&@

yesterday, i started a white load of laundry before me and fam left to go the Newport Marriott for the day...i came home to BLUE clothes. long story short, i put ONE pair of jeand in the load, and didnt realize that the temp was set for warm/cold!!!! whoooops! so now practically all of my theta tank tops, and my FAVORITE Gap pocket tank, is a light blue. bennett tried to console me by telling me that he accidentally put a red shirt in his white basket, and all of his clothes turned pink...i didnt feel so bad after that haha! lesson learned! i will never be washing jeans with any of my white ever again!

i cant wait to hear all about your crazy need to hear all about my semi crazy spring break!

oh! and i TOTALLY agree with making a crazy list idea! love it!