Tuesday, March 30, 2010

March-O Polo....

Umm March? Hello? Where'd Ya Go?!?

April is totally fucking with my head right now. Its like, "1-2-3-4-5... Ready or not here i come"

Well I guess I just have to accept it and take it, head on. (Can't lie, it means summer is closer... and that means home, pool, beach, sun, tan, shopping again, adventures, and most importantly... YOU! ahhhhh soooo excited!)

I am excited to get my hair done... It would be way fun to get it done together. I NEVER said you would look bad with lighter hair. I just said I LOVE you with dark hair... How light were you thinking? Like this...
Awww look how cute you were...

SOOO are you a freaking MIND READER?!?! Last night I made like 20 posts and I will post them progressivly... and one of them was all about clogs, slingbacks, and wedges... I am OBSESSED with them for the summer! I want like a bazillion pairs... I don't remember what date I set it to post... But check when its up... my favorite pair are these Gucci slingbacks... But i LOVE the Miu miu ones!!!

And our twenties are going to be freaking BOMB DIGGITY!!!! Get f*ckkking excited!!!! AHHHHHH

It will be 10 pm here when you are free... so I shouldn't skype because I need to SLEEEPPPP... But maybe like 45 minutes?!?! Text me when you can..
