Wednesday, March 3, 2010


i totally agree that we have both been slacking on the blogging...i have been slacking a little bit in life as well! the thought of school just recently kicked in...just in time for midterms! joy.
i am soooo jealous that your parents and cameron are coming to visit you in PARIS!!! jealous x 1000!!! you better skype me while they are visiting...or at least leave me a facebook video!
i wish i had an interesting life story at the moment, but i dont, because the single life of Devon Luke is quite boring. i am hoping that by sending out my positive energy in the universe i might have better luck with boys, school, and life in general haha. i already told you that i have a potential bf in mind, its just a matter of him finding out that we are supposed to date. shit could get a little awkward haha. i did have the cup lotto today in throwing and i got some really cool cups! i will have to take pictures of them and post them. they turned out to be way more abstract (in terms of the glazes) then i expected. we are in the process of firing a set of bowls so i am reallllyyyy excited about those. our teacher just assigned us our next project and i am dreading it! we have to make 4 pouring vessels that mimic vessels from the 19th and early 20th century...they have to be 10 inches in some direction. i am not looking forward to it...definitely a challenge!

the weather has been soooo sunny and warm for the past two days...and i hope it stays because i am sick of the snow! im sure you feel the same way!
