Tuesday, April 13, 2010

To Do: Love, Dream, BE FREEEEEEEE!

I honestly can't wait for this summer and I will continuously talk about it until we are together in my backyard LOVING, DREAMING, and BEING FREE... I am pissed at you that you will not only have 1, but TWO, jobs this summer... that is suchhhhh BS... when are we going to spend time together?!?! I NEED YOU! 
I think this is a perfect to do list for us... no, but for real, MAKE a good GREAT list for us to do this summer. I will as well, but two lists are better than one!  (PS... I think you should come with me to Utah this summer... lets ROAD trip out there! (and we wont have to pay for air fares (PERFECT) (AND we can spend a night in Vegas! HOLLA))... how fun would that be?!) 

And save your money, because we WILL be taking a trip to NYC (my mom already said you can come with us!) ... and we should take ANOTHER trip (road trip to Santa Barbara for a weekend? or LA for a few days?!?) 

OH MY GOD! I am getting soooo flippppping excited for this effffing summer! GET FREAKING READY!!!!! 


anyway... I am soo jealous. I can NOT use Pandora while I am out of the US.. It freaking sucks... I have been dying without it!!! I literally lived off of it at school ... Enjoy it for the both of us! 

As for your other post (can I please live in that apartment you posted?! and it looks out at the Eiffel Tower... WTF.. YES PLEASE) 

As for the homework crap... I feel ya sista... I have a 12 page paper and 20 minute presentation due next thursday. I have a 12 page paper due in 2 weeks... and I have 2 finals to start preparing for... EFFF THAT. 

I register for classes tomorrow... I prepared my schedule yesterday, so hopefully I will get all the classes I want! I am actually SOOOOO excited for next semester! AHHH... it is going to be amazing... and I will finally be back at SMU!!!!!!!!! I can not wait... 

(and YES, I wish we could get an apartment... but hey, we live at home for free and have freaking amazing houses and backyards... we are good... AND we can still have breakfast everyday at those places... we are doing just fine! :)...)

.... sorry this was so long... I am just sooo excited! 
