Sunday, April 4, 2010

OFF to Ethiopiaaaaa....

Sooooo after long preparation, we are FINALLY off... Heading to Ethiopia with paint brush in hand. I am so excited to finally go back and especially this time because we actually get to help! I leave late tonight (Sunday) and I get home next Sunday...  I am very, very excited and ready to go on this trip! I get to see my parents and BENNETT! It will be wonderful... So wish me luck and pray that we stay safe (and don't get sick).... 

Just looking at this pictures make ms so excited! It will be an awesome trip!...

Well, I hope your birthday was amazing. I am sad we can't talk before I leave, but I have 239084 things to do and I need to leave for the airport fairly soon... I love you and will talk to you when I get back... :) 
