Thursday, April 22, 2010


I am sooo excited for this summer... and that post totally confirmed it... 
that list is fabulous (sad that it is like ALL food, but what else would you expect from us?)
You should totally do the cleanse... it is amazing. I don't know if I will be up to doing it so soon after this one... But we will see how I feel... maybe toward the end of the summer I'd be down! 

Def to all food on list... plus we will have to add some... like get dressed up ... heels and fabulousity...  and go to javiers in newps for dinner after dark... (damn why arent we 21 this sucks!) (but you can come with my fam and my giant friend when we go...)... 
When we go up to LA we should bike ride in Santa Monica... eat at the Ivy at the Shore, then shop on 3rd street... Then go over to Robertson and shop there... then get tattoos! :) Too bad its not basketball season during the summer... it would be fun going to a game... we should get tickets for a summer league game... 
That's on the list.. you are getting a tattoo this summer (it can be uber small... but we will get something cute together)...  
Lets skip the art class... and just sit in my backyard, while drinking immense amounts of homemade cocktails and make drunken masterpieces... 
We should also go on a different walk/hike two or three days a week... There are so many cool places to go all around Orange County... that would be really fun... 
AND we should do pilates and yoga everyday! 

I will brainstorm some more... and get back to you...