Wednesday, April 21, 2010


So it is DAY 1 of my 10 day cleanse/detox... and all I can think about is:

I am hungry, but that is to be expected... Days 1-3 are the hardest on the not eating scale and right now I am doing fine... It is just when I think about food I desire it... But I am holding out. (I'm licking a lemon right now... how sad)... 

How was 420? Did you enjoy yourself? Looks crazy... Better you than me, I couldn't handle it... Speaking of weed and it's smokers... I have some interesting news to share with you... 

As for you possibly being mad at me, I am glad you're not. I had a feeling you weren't, but we went from talking everyday to like not talking at all... and I just felt the cold shoulder... But I totally understand the school load crap... 13 page paper due in 24 hours... just started.. EFF THIS! 

skype soon for sure! 
