Tuesday, April 6, 2010

not the best way to start a birthday weekend...

but ill take what i can get! i dont have class on friday, therefore i had a whole entire day to prepare and stress out about formal. i had so much nervous energy that i went to get my nails done and got acrylics because it took longer! i already hate them and want to rip them off, btw. i get back to my room and the roomies are already getting ready to go out and pregame before they have to be back at Theta to check in. i had to do 50 million things before i could even think about getting ready, so i just ignored them. the house was empty and i had about an hour to spare before everyone got to the house to check in and go through security, before loading the buses. I decided to go hang out at my friends house before, but i was so nervous and anxious that i just went back to the house. people started arriving and me and my risk manager felt that we had things under control. i was expecting about 150 people to come...i would say about 210 people showed up! it was soooo chaotic and everyone was soooo drunk. i was running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to control the entire situation. i had gotten two buses loaded, and the first round of buses were ready to leave for the venue. i felt like everything was running relatively smoothly, until i saw ambulances! i couldnt really deal with the situation bc i needed to get people to the venue, because the house was still so crowded. so i left...got people to the venue...and then my worst nightmare came TRUE! my president called me and said that they were calling off formal! apparently girls went to the hospital, people were given MIP's, and urinating in public tickets were given out! it was out of control and it had to be called off! 3 months of planning, $10,000, and a lot of people's time was completely wasted. it was definitely not a great start to my birthday weekend. when i got the news my stomach immediately dropped and i ran down the hall to the elevators and called my mom sobbing. she didnt really know what to say except for sorry, which was all she could say. everyone was ok, which i couldnt ask for anything more, but i was extremely disappointed and upset. that night i had to wake up every 2 hours and check on girls that were staying at the house who were really drunk, to make sure that they were ok.

the next morning, molly, annie, patrice, and molly's friend carol brought me cupcakes, flowers, sparkling cider, and presents. we went to THE cutest place for brunch, called The Huckleberry and then this reallllly amazing mediterranean restaurant called The Med for dinner. i was thankful that i had good friends surrounding me on my birthday, even though i wish you could have been there.

nothing was really going on Saturday night, so i was only out for like an hour, but it was fine bc i was so tired from all of the damage control that i had to do regarding Friday nights events. 

i hope Ethiopia is as amazing as it was last time! i cant wait to see pictures and here stories!

OH! and i have to tell you and your mom what i am doing for my final project for throwing! i know you guys will die!

xoxo (thanks again for the bday post, i LOVED it!)