Thursday, April 1, 2010

thirsty thursday

i have changed the common saying T.G.I.F. to T.G.I.T.= Thank God its Thursday! tonight is my favorite dinner at Theta: thirsty thursday h'orderves! because i will be running around like a crazy psychopath on friday night, because of formal, i wont be able to celebrate the end of my teenage years! so i thought that i might celebrate a little early! so thank god its Thirsty Thursday! i tried to look up thirsty thursday pics on google, one word of advice: dont do it!

i wish i could wear this dress for my birthday/for formal! i have a new found love: Elizabeth&James!!!!! mostly because its the Olsen twin brand, but their clothes and shoes are awesome!!!

Helllllloooo LOVERRRR...this love is entangled with my new love for clogs! can we please just buy clogs together and wear them together so that we dont look like freaks?!

and i neeeeed these sandals for summer! oooooh if only i could be rich and famous! life would be peachy!

in my dreams