Thursday, April 29, 2010


You are right... She is great inspiration... I mean, DAMN... (*no lesbo*) hahah... but for real... she is hot... 

I am going to print this out and tape it all over the kitchen so I wont be tempted to eat anything... hahaahh 

love, c

Monday, April 26, 2010

country chic

so i am finallllyyy done with my final project for ceramics! wooooo!!! i just had my critique today. overall, the final product is not exactly what I had envisioned, but i didnt even care because i was soooo over this project! after my pitcher broke, i didnt care about anything anymore. the glaze didnt work out the way i wanted it too, but hey, thats ceramics=unpredictable.

Friday, April 23, 2010



frattin' all day, at the aspen chalet

today, Molly, Annie, and I will be trekking up to Aspen (4 hour drive, without traffic, woof!) for Pi Kapp's spring formal. at first, Annie did not want to go alone because she thought it would be awkward. so, Andy was forced to find me a date, who happens to be a twin! the other twin needed a date, so Andy asked Molly if she would go. so the roommates are taking a vacation! it will be a weekend full of mistakes caused by excessive drinking, dancing, and a swimming pool.

last year i went to Sigma Pi's spring formal in Aspen, and I have to say that it is one of my favorite college memories! so, hopefully this time will live up to last years "unforgettable/forgettable" adventures!


Thursday, April 22, 2010


I am sooo excited for this summer... and that post totally confirmed it... 
that list is fabulous (sad that it is like ALL food, but what else would you expect from us?)
You should totally do the cleanse... it is amazing. I don't know if I will be up to doing it so soon after this one... But we will see how I feel... maybe toward the end of the summer I'd be down! 

Def to all food on list... plus we will have to add some... like get dressed up ... heels and fabulousity...  and go to javiers in newps for dinner after dark... (damn why arent we 21 this sucks!) (but you can come with my fam and my giant friend when we go...)... 
When we go up to LA we should bike ride in Santa Monica... eat at the Ivy at the Shore, then shop on 3rd street... Then go over to Robertson and shop there... then get tattoos! :) Too bad its not basketball season during the summer... it would be fun going to a game... we should get tickets for a summer league game... 
That's on the list.. you are getting a tattoo this summer (it can be uber small... but we will get something cute together)...  
Lets skip the art class... and just sit in my backyard, while drinking immense amounts of homemade cocktails and make drunken masterpieces... 
We should also go on a different walk/hike two or three days a week... There are so many cool places to go all around Orange County... that would be really fun... 
AND we should do pilates and yoga everyday! 

I will brainstorm some more... and get back to you... 

the Runaways

i saw this movie the other day...overall, it was depressing, but the costumes were AMAZING!

i really wanna buy some high waisted bell-bottom jeans now...if only i could look like Dakota!

they did such a good job with casting!

add it to the list...

i have decided that i want to do that cleanse this summer! im sure that you wont want to do it again after this round, but if you feel like it, let's add it to our fabulous list of things to do this summer! im slightly freaking out at the thought of being home in less than 2 weeks!!! ...let alone being in a bathing suit!

we havent really written out a list yet so i am going to start (some of these things are obvious, but i still think they need to be documented to ensure that they are checked off the list!) (sadly...this list is mostly food related haha)

-walk on the San Clemente beach trail followed by breakfast @ La Galette
-breakfast bagels at Antoine's Cafe
-Lavender Lounge (multiple times a day...duh!) (we should probably buy the jugs so that we get a discount)
-dinner at Nick's followed by fro-yo at Velvet Yogurt
-lunch/fro-yo at Kultured Kitchen (im craving their avocado spread!!!!) getting hungry as im typing this

-road trip to UTAH! (we should just paint the whole time!)
-we might not have enough time, but maybe we could take an art class at the San Clemente Art Supply! (Nancy Egan is my favorite oil painting teacher)
-shopping at the L.A.B. in costa mesa
-we NEED to go up to LA, but we need to figure out what exactly we want to do

...i think this is a good start!
can't wait!


Wednesday, April 21, 2010


So it is DAY 1 of my 10 day cleanse/detox... and all I can think about is:

I am hungry, but that is to be expected... Days 1-3 are the hardest on the not eating scale and right now I am doing fine... It is just when I think about food I desire it... But I am holding out. (I'm licking a lemon right now... how sad)... 

How was 420? Did you enjoy yourself? Looks crazy... Better you than me, I couldn't handle it... Speaking of weed and it's smokers... I have some interesting news to share with you... 

As for you possibly being mad at me, I am glad you're not. I had a feeling you weren't, but we went from talking everyday to like not talking at all... and I just felt the cold shoulder... But I totally understand the school load crap... 13 page paper due in 24 hours... just started.. EFF THIS! 

skype soon for sure! 


Tuesday, April 20, 2010


i totally have seen that TIK TOK video hahahah! my friend in Theta is dating a guy at Air Force and he showed it to us!

brownies for breakfast, lunch, and dinner...

today is the infamous 4/20 in boulder. this favored holiday includes skipping the majority of your classes, raiding all food off of the hill, setting up camp in Norlin Quad, and lighting up a blunt at approximately 4:20 pm. yes, it is stupid, but it is quite the spectacle!

am i ever mad at you?!

hahah NO!!! i have been soooo crazy bust this last week! it was by far THE MOST stressful week of my life. i had a 12 page paper due, an oceanography test (which i bombed), i had to finish my ceramic final, and my sisters best friend was in town this weekend! i have been wanting to skype with you i have just been so busy!!!

we will make a skype date asap! we both need updates on both ends!


Please tell me you have seen this! (Reminded me off you(and Michael))...


I could be out of my mind... but I am getting the sense you are mad at me or something... is something going on? Did I do something?
Are YOU okay? Is something wrong? 
It's been forever since we've talked, that I don't know what is going on, and I don't like it... 

I love you and I hope everything is peachy and perfect! :) (and if its not lets figure it out and make it peachy and perfect!)  


Wednesday, April 14, 2010

when i grow up...

i want to be a SKIP IT master!

me and the roomies just got back from Miss Greek (its Sigma Pi's philanthropy) and we got 2nd place!!! we should have won...but whatever! and i was saying that when im chosen to be miss greek (cough cough, joke joke) my talent will be Skip It...i fucking rocked at skip it back in the day! i would get to like 600! i really wanna buy one on ebay!

anyways...your schedule sounds identical to my schedule this semester! im really excited for you! i just registered today and my schedule is taking Italian. hopefully i wont hate it as much as you did! as for your text today...i hate your happiness and i extremely jealous. well, not really hate, more envy.

that man is beautiful fyi. oh! and at miss greek tonight they had this rapper perform during intermission. his name is Black Prez and he is sexy!


The way Kobe looks is the way I feel right now.... Like YEAAA BUDDY... I got this... I OWN this shit... I AMMM the shit! 

The reason being... drum rolll please....

I registered for classes today... and OHHH SHITT, I have the most AMAZING schedule EVER... 

Mondays/Wednesdays: one class (doesnt start until 3).. and oh yea, its PAINTING... HA
Tuesdays/Thursdays: ALL My classes (i dont even want to talk about it... these two days are going to SUCK ASS... but it doesnt even matter cause I got ALL the classes I wanted and needed... and they are spaced PERFECTLY!)
Fridays: NO CLASS (and I know, I know this is how you have been for a while, but at SMU its rare... so just be excited for me!) 


Sooo I basically have 2 days of school (cause painting is NOT a class, that is my LIFE!)... SICKKKKY SICKKKY GNAR GNAR.... 

I'm soo excited.. can you tell?! ( I also think I am so excited because it really means I am going back to SMU... and I can't efffing wait to get back there!!!!!!!... AHHHH) 



(Awww I feel bad for Devin[yes, his name is Devin]... [below this post]... he didn't get much time in the spotlight, as he deserves... BUT I DONT CARE... LIFE IS GREAT!)

Yes Please...

Can I have this in my bed?... PRETTY please?!


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

To Do: Love, Dream, BE FREEEEEEEE!

I honestly can't wait for this summer and I will continuously talk about it until we are together in my backyard LOVING, DREAMING, and BEING FREE... I am pissed at you that you will not only have 1, but TWO, jobs this summer... that is suchhhhh BS... when are we going to spend time together?!?! I NEED YOU! 
I think this is a perfect to do list for us... no, but for real, MAKE a good GREAT list for us to do this summer. I will as well, but two lists are better than one!  (PS... I think you should come with me to Utah this summer... lets ROAD trip out there! (and we wont have to pay for air fares (PERFECT) (AND we can spend a night in Vegas! HOLLA))... how fun would that be?!) 

And save your money, because we WILL be taking a trip to NYC (my mom already said you can come with us!) ... and we should take ANOTHER trip (road trip to Santa Barbara for a weekend? or LA for a few days?!?) 

OH MY GOD! I am getting soooo flippppping excited for this effffing summer! GET FREAKING READY!!!!! 


anyway... I am soo jealous. I can NOT use Pandora while I am out of the US.. It freaking sucks... I have been dying without it!!! I literally lived off of it at school ... Enjoy it for the both of us! 

As for your other post (can I please live in that apartment you posted?! and it looks out at the Eiffel Tower... WTF.. YES PLEASE) 

As for the homework crap... I feel ya sista... I have a 12 page paper and 20 minute presentation due next thursday. I have a 12 page paper due in 2 weeks... and I have 2 finals to start preparing for... EFFF THAT. 

I register for classes tomorrow... I prepared my schedule yesterday, so hopefully I will get all the classes I want! I am actually SOOOOO excited for next semester! AHHH... it is going to be amazing... and I will finally be back at SMU!!!!!!!!! I can not wait... 

(and YES, I wish we could get an apartment... but hey, we live at home for free and have freaking amazing houses and backyards... we are good... AND we can still have breakfast everyday at those places... we are doing just fine! :)...)

.... sorry this was so long... I am just sooo excited! 


One Tequila, Two Tequila, Three Tequila.... FLOOR!

This will be our set-up in between our lounge chairs in my backyard in less than 6 weeks! (ugg that sounds so far away!) As well as sangria and mojito pitchers... So excited! .... 
Loveee youuuu... Just keep looking at this post for inspiration to keep going... 

i can do all things through WOLFIE!

i neeeeed this cup ASAP

it is currently 3:09 AM!!!! i have been up attempting to study for an oceanography test. this is my first break. all ten fingers have writers cramp and it is extremely painful! i have consumed about 3 drip coffees and a king sized kit kat...solid diet i know. at this point i feel like none of the information that i just tried to absorb actually stuck.

to keep myself going i have been listening to Mozart radio on pandora. not only do i feel smarter, but i fall deeper and deeper in love with wolfgang amadeus mozart = genius.
we might as well skype right now bc i will be up!


Monday, April 12, 2010

it feels like eternity.

i was sitting in a critique for throwing and the girl behind me was talking about how Paris is her favorite city in the world and then who did i get a text from?! YOU! i feel like summer will never come! this week just started and i already want it to be over! i am extremely stressed because i have to register for classes soon, i just wrote a 10 page paper due Thursday, I have a test tomorrow that i havent even started to study for...and im sure there is more, i just cant think of it.
this last month needs to go by FAST! i want it to be summer sooo bad! i really wish that we could get an apartment by the pier, decorate it, and get breakfast every morning at La Galette or Antoines. awhh sounds devine! OH...first addition to the summer list: we need to go to NICKS on del mar! you would DIE! it looks soooo cute!

k i have distracted myself long enough.

Sunday, April 11, 2010


I am BEYOND exhausted. I literally can not do anything right now, and I have SOOO much I HAVE to do.... Not fair. 
I got back to Paris this morning. Laid down in bed and fell asleep for 10 hours. I am beyond exhausted. It was a long amazing trip... I'll do a post on it once I get organized (that might take a while). 

I have so much to do and so much I want to get done... and I have no strength or motivation to do it. 

I am sorry I didn't blog while I was gone, the internet was too slow for anything but quickly checking facebook. It wouldn't even load the blog. 

But in response to your posts: 1. OMG about your formal. That is so sad and horrible and I CAN NOT BELIEVE IT! I feel so bad, I literally do NOT know what to say. I am soo sorry that happened to you. It sucks! (We will have to talk more about it on skype)
2. ME TOO! I am in total body-reconstruction mode. I am going to Greece in less than a month and as of right now I will NOT put on a bathing suit, so I need to do some major work! But I am proud of you for working out so fervently. (and duh you need to look good for my backyard this summer... BUT IM NOT ENCOURAGING ANYTHING!!!!) 
3. YES. We WILL be getting a French Bulldog. The second I can I will be getting a french bulldog and a dapple dachshund. They have been on my list forevaaaaaa... I LOVE THEM!!!!!! (and freaking of COURSE ashely olsen has one... since freaking when?!?!) 

Okay, love you... SKYPE soon! Whenever you are free I am ready... just text me! 


Thursday, April 8, 2010

this is a necessity...

ummmmmm... sooo when we live together we are getting this ASAP! eeeeekkkk its sooo cute! ok that all! i hope your having an amazing day! i love you/miss you!


Tuesday, April 6, 2010

workin on my fitness, she's ma witnesss

so i have been really diligent about going to the gym...and it feel really good! when i went home for spring break i randomly got super motivated to work out everyday! i would run the beach trail from either north beach to state beach and back (5 miles) or just from the pier to state beach and back (2 miles). the elliptical isnt the same as running on a beach trail, but i work up just as much of a sweat. i guess im motivated for summer! gotta look good for you know who when im laying out at your pool all summer long...jk...haha but seriously ;).


not the best way to start a birthday weekend...

but ill take what i can get! i dont have class on friday, therefore i had a whole entire day to prepare and stress out about formal. i had so much nervous energy that i went to get my nails done and got acrylics because it took longer! i already hate them and want to rip them off, btw. i get back to my room and the roomies are already getting ready to go out and pregame before they have to be back at Theta to check in. i had to do 50 million things before i could even think about getting ready, so i just ignored them. the house was empty and i had about an hour to spare before everyone got to the house to check in and go through security, before loading the buses. I decided to go hang out at my friends house before, but i was so nervous and anxious that i just went back to the house. people started arriving and me and my risk manager felt that we had things under control. i was expecting about 150 people to come...i would say about 210 people showed up! it was soooo chaotic and everyone was soooo drunk. i was running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to control the entire situation. i had gotten two buses loaded, and the first round of buses were ready to leave for the venue. i felt like everything was running relatively smoothly, until i saw ambulances! i couldnt really deal with the situation bc i needed to get people to the venue, because the house was still so crowded. so i people to the venue...and then my worst nightmare came TRUE! my president called me and said that they were calling off formal! apparently girls went to the hospital, people were given MIP's, and urinating in public tickets were given out! it was out of control and it had to be called off! 3 months of planning, $10,000, and a lot of people's time was completely wasted. it was definitely not a great start to my birthday weekend. when i got the news my stomach immediately dropped and i ran down the hall to the elevators and called my mom sobbing. she didnt really know what to say except for sorry, which was all she could say. everyone was ok, which i couldnt ask for anything more, but i was extremely disappointed and upset. that night i had to wake up every 2 hours and check on girls that were staying at the house who were really drunk, to make sure that they were ok.

the next morning, molly, annie, patrice, and molly's friend carol brought me cupcakes, flowers, sparkling cider, and presents. we went to THE cutest place for brunch, called The Huckleberry and then this reallllly amazing mediterranean restaurant called The Med for dinner. i was thankful that i had good friends surrounding me on my birthday, even though i wish you could have been there.

nothing was really going on Saturday night, so i was only out for like an hour, but it was fine bc i was so tired from all of the damage control that i had to do regarding Friday nights events. 

i hope Ethiopia is as amazing as it was last time! i cant wait to see pictures and here stories!

OH! and i have to tell you and your mom what i am doing for my final project for throwing! i know you guys will die!

xoxo (thanks again for the bday post, i LOVED it!)

Sunday, April 4, 2010

OFF to Ethiopiaaaaa....

Sooooo after long preparation, we are FINALLY off... Heading to Ethiopia with paint brush in hand. I am so excited to finally go back and especially this time because we actually get to help! I leave late tonight (Sunday) and I get home next Sunday...  I am very, very excited and ready to go on this trip! I get to see my parents and BENNETT! It will be wonderful... So wish me luck and pray that we stay safe (and don't get sick).... 

Just looking at this pictures make ms so excited! It will be an awesome trip!...

Well, I hope your birthday was amazing. I am sad we can't talk before I leave, but I have 239084 things to do and I need to leave for the airport fairly soon... I love you and will talk to you when I get back... :) 


Friday, April 2, 2010


i got you a balloon.... 
And a cake....
and a present (you are allowed to break your resolution tonight!) ....
HAVE SOME DRINKS ON ME... (that vodka looks yummy!)

I love you and i am sooooo sad i am not with you on your birthday! TWENTY! ahhh... so scary, so fun, so crazy.... ENJOY IT! 

i will bring you back something amazing (so you will have to wait a month for your present...) 

But i love youuu and hope your day is FABULOUS!!!!!!!! 


Three Words: Facebook Chat Message....

As you know,  I had a very fun night... Ending in some frustrations *cough cough* ... hahah but for real, i did have a fun night... Now I will be wandering the streets of Paris all day and chillin' in bed all night. . . All my friends already left for their various spring break adventures, and I don't leave until Sunday. So until then I am on my own... I don't mind though... 

OMG... Elizabeth and James is one of my favorite brands... I have a long black vest from them... OBSESSION... I have not tried any of their shoes, but I am sure they are amazing... 

We will not be FREAKS in our summer clogs, we will be FABULOUS! And I LOVE those sandals you posted! YES! 

I hope your thirsty thursday was amazingggggg... today is your formal... tomorrow is your BIRTHDAY! Look at you busy BusY BUSY... sooo exciting though! Loveeee youuu!!!! 


Thursday, April 1, 2010

thirsty thursday

i have changed the common saying T.G.I.F. to T.G.I.T.= Thank God its Thursday! tonight is my favorite dinner at Theta: thirsty thursday h'orderves! because i will be running around like a crazy psychopath on friday night, because of formal, i wont be able to celebrate the end of my teenage years! so i thought that i might celebrate a little early! so thank god its Thirsty Thursday! i tried to look up thirsty thursday pics on google, one word of advice: dont do it!

i wish i could wear this dress for my birthday/for formal! i have a new found love: Elizabeth&James!!!!! mostly because its the Olsen twin brand, but their clothes and shoes are awesome!!!

Helllllloooo LOVERRRR...this love is entangled with my new love for clogs! can we please just buy clogs together and wear them together so that we dont look like freaks?!

and i neeeeed these sandals for summer! oooooh if only i could be rich and famous! life would be peachy!

in my dreams