Monday, February 1, 2010

what if...

i love you no matter what...and even if you consider your story telling "bitching and moan", i quite enjoy it! haha.

i totally understand what you are saying. but i really think that those feelings are good! it shows you where your heart really is AND it gives you good perspective! but, at the same time, dont be close minded about meeting new people too...i mean your mom and bob would have made a cute couple ahah but thank god your mom met your dad! i know its not the same thing, but its kinda similar haha. maybe not. whatever.

like i say all the time...i really wish that i could be in paris exploring the continent that i SHOULD have been born in...OH! hah i was talking to my mom about spring break, because all of my friends in theta are going to lake havesu with SWAT and they wanted me to go so i was discussing this with joan. she was not too thrilled about the idea (surprise surprise) because she thinks that there is a whole new "level" of people who go on those trips...which is true... the website looks like a casting call for the next "girls gone wild". and she loved pointing out that the trip would only consist of heavy drinking. duh its college spring break! anyways...i took that as a NO...and she suggested that i think bigger about what i would want to do for spring break...which led to her suggestion of visiting you in paris! obviously i dont even know if it would be a possibility but it would be freaking amazing! (my spring break is like the 19th-28th)

i definitely neeeed to skype with you bc i have a great/not so great story to tell you. lets just say my new years resolution only lasted a month...

