Tuesday, February 2, 2010


FUCKKKKKK HAVESU ... OMG you ARE coming to Paris... no if-ands-or buts about it... and JOAN is in! and encourages it! which is the BIGGEST plus of all... and you can come heavily drink and get crazy in PARIS anyway!!! a;skdjf;lkasdjfl;kajsf 
OMGGGG you HAVE to come! 

WTF Devon... you already broke your resolution?!? With freaking who... you need to SLOWWWWW the EFFFFF down... like pronto.. i LOVE YOU, but this is getting a bit out of hand... seriously... 


SO... Today i had an AMAZING lunch with a lady that is going to work with my dad! She is in Paris for a few days... and she is the freaking COOLEST person... we had the most amazing conversation for like 3 hours... she is like an adult version of me... but way different at the same time... its crazy... It was sooo fun though! 

"Someone" might be coming to visit me.. this person is in Berlin right now... but i dont know if it is a good idea to see this person... 

SKYPE asap so we dont have to have code convos on here! hahahah 

LOVEEE you... 
