Friday, February 5, 2010

cup lotto

sooo i dont remember if i told you...but we are doing a "cup lotto" in my throwing class. basically...everyone made 8 cups (just basic form)...then everyone puts their cups out and each person goes around and takes 1 cup from each pile (so 8 new cups)...then we "trim" all of the bases of the cups and add handles. THEN we take those 8 cups and pick out 8 new new cups and make saucers for them! confusing i know! but at the very end we get to have a cup lotto! i will probably take 1 or 2 for myself and send the rest to my mom.  i will definitely take pictures of the cups that i get! my mom has given me a TALLLL order of what she wants..."I want bowls...BIG BOWLS...for vegetables and salad"...i dont think she can stop thinking about them haha. but i want to make you and your mom something! so let me know...vase/cups/bowls?
i cant wait til we stroll down the Champs Elysees together!!!
