Saturday, February 6, 2010

Girlllll Franddddd

SOOOO... you ARE coming to PARIS... i will be writing this on EVERY post i make until you get here... FOR SPRING BREAK... (ticket for about $600-700, FREE housing, and hello im on a student budget for food and stuff... sooo it would be like $30-40 a day at MOST... you could get by for way less if you really try...)... NOT BAD AT ALL! you can sooo do it... what about selling a painting... 

why dont you sell what you make in class?!?! i think it would be such a cute idea ... if you made 4 BIG tea cups for me i would SOO buy them for my apartment... if its possible, you should soo do that... I'm sure you could find people to buy them... even like fam and stuff... SOOO do it... and its no cost to you right? you get to use the school's supplies right?! helllllo!!!!!! (even if you choose to do this... please still make me at LEAST 1 GIANT tea cup... thanks..., but if you do want to sell them and make like a funky set of 4 i will buy them.. thanks)... 

soooo... i love the idea of a Tea-Pot Luck... its sooo cute... pick GOOOD ones! :) 

I am super excited for your Rep Yo City party... that will be amazing... :) i wish i could come!!! and i think you should rep the OC.. that would be soo cute! that is very exciting that you get to plan everything... how fun! 

RAFAEL VERGA  is hot... but is he not gay?! he SCREAMS gay... (and the pics on the blog wont come up, i had to google him)... 

Nothing here is exciting right now (except for FREAKING EVERYTHING :))... i am having a fantabulous weekend... loving it... we have skyped, so you know the deal-e-o... but still exciting! 

we will have to skype again today... when i get home... hopefully i will have GOOD news.. but i have to tell you what happened this afternoon... hilarious... hahahha... oh lord, i need to learn french ASAP! 


P.s.... soorrry i have been such a blog failure lately ... i have been on all my blogs...