Monday, February 1, 2010

Happy and Homesick...

Umm the fact that she will listen to me bitch and moan about dumb shizzzz and still love me anyway :) ... well get ready cause I am about to start bitching and moaning (and not in a good way ;(..)

I am very happy. I LOVE it here... I have AMAZING friends here. I should NOT be complaining about anything, but I can not help but think about what and WHOM I am missing back at school... it's frustrating and stupid.... I am really NOT homesick...not even slightly, I am just jealous that I am missing out on things and lonely and frustrated with my man-life... (I can't stop thinking about him and its driving me crazy...)... I don't know what to do... I just need to realize that I am retarded and the things that I am missing aren't even that important compared to how amazing this experience it... and the biggest thing is I would MUCH rather be here in Paris right now, than back at SMU.... ajsd;flkja;lskdjf!!!! I'm sooo conflicted ... I am HAPPPY but a little "homesick"...

On a happier note, I am glad you are good... lazy weekends are the best, CHERISH them! Please find a date for Valentines day.. do NOTTT put negativity into the universe... including cyber-space... you WILL find someone... as long as you try hard enough... give someone you wouldn't normally consider a chance.. you might be pleasantly surprised... 

My weekend was interesting... Brussels was amazing... super fun and beautiful and interesting... I didn't really know what i was expecting... but it definitely wasn't it... 

I am EXHAUSTED.... its been 4 days and 3 nights of constant On-The-Go stuff... I am soo happy to be homeee.... I was going to go to Poland this weekend... but we decided to take the weekend off and just relax... since we haven't spent a weekend in Paris since we've been here! 

but i love you, skype soon? yes please... 


P.S.... no more countries were added to my list (if you know what i mean)...