Sunday, February 21, 2010

Friday, February 12, 2010

RIP Alexander McQueen

let us take a moment of silence to remember the talented Alexander McQueen.
i know that i have been really bad about writing on the blog...this week has just been crazy busy. i got wayyyyy to drunk and woke up...and lets just say i was not happy with where i ended up...ill have to tell you the story.

MISSING: Two Blogging Best Friends (if you find them, approach slowly)

Well love, we haven't been great at blogging recently... Well I am normally not good, so I guess I am just surprised at you... Not that it is a bad thing... if you are over blogging for the moment, take your time.. you'll come back to me... and it... 

but i love you... my shitty day has passed and i am all shiny again... :) 

My friends and i are going to Champagne for the weekend... STOKED! i am sooo excited... it willl be gloriously FABULOUS! i wont have my computer...but TEXTTTT mee!!!! Be back soon! 



Wednesday, February 10, 2010

My High Is Now Low...

Yesterday was a stupid day. It was not good... my extreme happy-life-high crashed and burned... 

On top of it, i went to sleep at 11pm woke up at 1 am and couldnt sleep until 4 am... It was EFFING miserable. I hate feeling like this.... 

I hate knowing that when i am so happy, that it will soon enough be over... so lame... 

anyway... i dont want to be a downer, so i will end here... 

sorry about your tests, that sucks.. i have a 3 page paper to write for tomorrow... and i do NOT want to do it. 

love you, 

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

most stressful day ever!

so today i had a MAJAAAA (with a british accent) reality check...i am in college and second semester has officially started!
i know its a little late to be realizing this, but what can ya do.
i had an oceanography test (which we dont even learn about the ocean...i know weird right?!?!) and i had an art history test...which i discovered last night was 35% of my grade!!!! so basically like a final. i was wayyyy more stressed about my art history test because it is my major but having 2 tests today really stressed me out!
for my art history i was sooo annoyed bc my teacher wouldnt give us a study guide and he just said that he was going to give us "broad" topics to write 5 essays! wtf!?!?!

i think that i blacked out during the test because i came out of it and couldnt tell you a thing that i was like an hour and 15 min didnt even happen

annnnyyywayyyssss...i hope all is well in parisssss!! endulge! have a crepe and think of me :)

nothing in my life is exciting right i am sorry that my posts are not very interesting! 

beeee teeee dubbbbss... LOOOOVEEE the doc martin ankle boots!!!! i reallly want them!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

Girlllll Franddddd

SOOOO... you ARE coming to PARIS... i will be writing this on EVERY post i make until you get here... FOR SPRING BREAK... (ticket for about $600-700, FREE housing, and hello im on a student budget for food and stuff... sooo it would be like $30-40 a day at MOST... you could get by for way less if you really try...)... NOT BAD AT ALL! you can sooo do it... what about selling a painting... 

why dont you sell what you make in class?!?! i think it would be such a cute idea ... if you made 4 BIG tea cups for me i would SOO buy them for my apartment... if its possible, you should soo do that... I'm sure you could find people to buy them... even like fam and stuff... SOOO do it... and its no cost to you right? you get to use the school's supplies right?! helllllo!!!!!! (even if you choose to do this... please still make me at LEAST 1 GIANT tea cup... thanks..., but if you do want to sell them and make like a funky set of 4 i will buy them.. thanks)... 

soooo... i love the idea of a Tea-Pot Luck... its sooo cute... pick GOOOD ones! :) 

I am super excited for your Rep Yo City party... that will be amazing... :) i wish i could come!!! and i think you should rep the OC.. that would be soo cute! that is very exciting that you get to plan everything... how fun! 

RAFAEL VERGA  is hot... but is he not gay?! he SCREAMS gay... (and the pics on the blog wont come up, i had to google him)... 

Nothing here is exciting right now (except for FREAKING EVERYTHING :))... i am having a fantabulous weekend... loving it... we have skyped, so you know the deal-e-o... but still exciting! 

we will have to skype again today... when i get home... hopefully i will have GOOD news.. but i have to tell you what happened this afternoon... hilarious... hahahha... oh lord, i need to learn french ASAP! 


P.s.... soorrry i have been such a blog failure lately ... i have been on all my blogs... 

Friday, February 5, 2010

cup lotto

sooo i dont remember if i told you...but we are doing a "cup lotto" in my throwing class. basically...everyone made 8 cups (just basic form)...then everyone puts their cups out and each person goes around and takes 1 cup from each pile (so 8 new cups)...then we "trim" all of the bases of the cups and add handles. THEN we take those 8 cups and pick out 8 new new cups and make saucers for them! confusing i know! but at the very end we get to have a cup lotto! i will probably take 1 or 2 for myself and send the rest to my mom.  i will definitely take pictures of the cups that i get! my mom has given me a TALLLL order of what she wants..."I want bowls...BIG BOWLS...for vegetables and salad"...i dont think she can stop thinking about them haha. but i want to make you and your mom something! so let me know...vase/cups/bowls?
i cant wait til we stroll down the Champs Elysees together!!!


Thursday, February 4, 2010

Rep Yo City

i think i told you...but i am planning my first fraternity mixer as the new social chair. there havent been tooo many stressful moments, but im sure that they will hit me in the face sooner or later. the theme is "Rep Yo City" and i think that everyone will really get into it haha. i dont know if i really wanna rep O.C. shizzz so i might just rep NYC haha. we are doing the event with Phi Kappa Psi. i just looked at my calender and i have a test the next morning at 9:30. great.

i am trying to brainstorm ways that i can make money fast...dont worry, ive already ruled out prostitution. maybe i will make scarves and sell them?! i dunno. give me ideas so that we can party in Paris!!!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010


does this outfit look alright?!?! i am going out to the ICEBAR tonight... and i am trying to figure out if this works or not... LET ME KNOWW PRONTO!

loveeee you

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


two words: RAFAEL VERGA

aka my future husband...hey you never know...this could a a liz and jeff round two situation hahah

yum. i need some Brazilian lovin'


i AM having an AMAZING day! :) and i am VERY happy! and i am smiling very big! and I am happy that i am happy! :)

(i thought this pic really conveyed how i feel :)... ) i miss Ale!



FUCKKKKKK HAVESU ... OMG you ARE coming to Paris... no if-ands-or buts about it... and JOAN is in! and encourages it! which is the BIGGEST plus of all... and you can come heavily drink and get crazy in PARIS anyway!!! a;skdjf;lkasdjfl;kajsf 
OMGGGG you HAVE to come! 

WTF Devon... you already broke your resolution?!? With freaking who... you need to SLOWWWWW the EFFFFF down... like pronto.. i LOVE YOU, but this is getting a bit out of hand... seriously... 


SO... Today i had an AMAZING lunch with a lady that is going to work with my dad! She is in Paris for a few days... and she is the freaking COOLEST person... we had the most amazing conversation for like 3 hours... she is like an adult version of me... but way different at the same time... its crazy... It was sooo fun though! 

"Someone" might be coming to visit me.. this person is in Berlin right now... but i dont know if it is a good idea to see this person... 

SKYPE asap so we dont have to have code convos on here! hahahah 

LOVEEE you... 


Monday, February 1, 2010

the summary of my life right now...

end of story.

but good things will come. eventually.


what if...

i love you no matter what...and even if you consider your story telling "bitching and moan", i quite enjoy it! haha.

i totally understand what you are saying. but i really think that those feelings are good! it shows you where your heart really is AND it gives you good perspective! but, at the same time, dont be close minded about meeting new people too...i mean your mom and bob would have made a cute couple ahah but thank god your mom met your dad! i know its not the same thing, but its kinda similar haha. maybe not. whatever.

like i say all the time...i really wish that i could be in paris exploring the continent that i SHOULD have been born in...OH! hah i was talking to my mom about spring break, because all of my friends in theta are going to lake havesu with SWAT and they wanted me to go so i was discussing this with joan. she was not too thrilled about the idea (surprise surprise) because she thinks that there is a whole new "level" of people who go on those trips...which is true... the website looks like a casting call for the next "girls gone wild". and she loved pointing out that the trip would only consist of heavy drinking. duh its college spring break! anyways...i took that as a NO...and she suggested that i think bigger about what i would want to do for spring break...which led to her suggestion of visiting you in paris! obviously i dont even know if it would be a possibility but it would be freaking amazing! (my spring break is like the 19th-28th)

i definitely neeeed to skype with you bc i have a great/not so great story to tell you. lets just say my new years resolution only lasted a month...



Happy and Homesick...

Umm the fact that she will listen to me bitch and moan about dumb shizzzz and still love me anyway :) ... well get ready cause I am about to start bitching and moaning (and not in a good way ;(..)

I am very happy. I LOVE it here... I have AMAZING friends here. I should NOT be complaining about anything, but I can not help but think about what and WHOM I am missing back at school... it's frustrating and stupid.... I am really NOT homesick...not even slightly, I am just jealous that I am missing out on things and lonely and frustrated with my man-life... (I can't stop thinking about him and its driving me crazy...)... I don't know what to do... I just need to realize that I am retarded and the things that I am missing aren't even that important compared to how amazing this experience it... and the biggest thing is I would MUCH rather be here in Paris right now, than back at SMU.... ajsd;flkja;lskdjf!!!! I'm sooo conflicted ... I am HAPPPY but a little "homesick"...

On a happier note, I am glad you are good... lazy weekends are the best, CHERISH them! Please find a date for Valentines day.. do NOTTT put negativity into the universe... including cyber-space... you WILL find someone... as long as you try hard enough... give someone you wouldn't normally consider a chance.. you might be pleasantly surprised... 

My weekend was interesting... Brussels was amazing... super fun and beautiful and interesting... I didn't really know what i was expecting... but it definitely wasn't it... 

I am EXHAUSTED.... its been 4 days and 3 nights of constant On-The-Go stuff... I am soo happy to be homeee.... I was going to go to Poland this weekend... but we decided to take the weekend off and just relax... since we haven't spent a weekend in Paris since we've been here! 

but i love you, skype soon? yes please... 


P.S.... no more countries were added to my list (if you know what i mean)...